Caroline Fuss


  • Installation
  • Malerei
  • Mixed Media
  • Skulpturen/Plastik/Objekte
  • Video
Seestrasse 320
8038 Zürich
078 791 70 92


- Brücken bauen - 18/28:07.2024 - Galerie Kunstsammlung Unterseen (bei Interlaken) - Hauptstrasse 2 - 3800 Unterseen

- WAS MICH BESCHÄFTIGT! - 18/28.04.2024 - Photobastei - Sihlquai 125 - 8005 Zürich

- Wandel ist stärke - Schweizerische Künstlerinnen heute - 09/19.11.23 - Villa Meier-Severini - 8702 Zollikon

- 6. FATart Art Fair - 15/17.09.2023 Kammgarn West - 8200 Schaffhausen

- Friends - Salon des refusés - 13/28.09.2023 - Zweierstrasse 42 8004 Zürich

- SEDIMENTIEREN, KRISTALLISIEREN, KONDENSIEREN, 04.03 - 23.07.2023 - Singinsen Forum, Muri AG

- FATart Fair 05 - 09/11.09. 2022 - Schaffhausen - CH

- KREUZ DIE QUER - 10. September / 02 Oktober 2022 - Ortsmuseum Meilen ZH


Caroline FUSS was born in Paris (France) and has been working and living in Zurich (CH) since 2000. She is currently studying at the Zurich University of the Arts for a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) « Creative Practice ».

For as long she can remember, Caroline Fuss has always been teeming with ideas fed by a vivid imagination. During her childhood she used to spend hours alone in the backyard playing in a world of her own creation... or hammering and sawing away cheerfully in the basement with her father's tools, building something she had envisioned and relishing the sense of fulfilment she had from working with her hands. Caroline is a collector of images, lights, colours, textures, structures, materials, sounds, smells, etc... She is fascinated by broken, worn and torn materials, fading colour, paint flakes on walls, abandoned buildings. Working in series permits her to deepen her exploration of a subject.

Her various works are a sociological and psychological approach that position her as a human being and an artist in the world, that represent her feelings, analyses and projections in relation to society through the artistic process. The paintings, installations, objects and materials are witnesses and mirrors of what we have become as part of society. They are part of our everyday life, our life, our intimacy.